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21 Practical Baha’i Blog Posts for You and Your Community

October 21, 2014, in Articles > Baha'i Life, by
21 practical baha'i Blog Posts for You and Your Community

Many friends and various Baha’i communities often ask for suggestions relating to more “practical” resources and ideas relating to the Faith. Even in Baha’i Blog’s recent survey, one of the things a lot of the survey participants asked for more of, were posts about the types of resources available for individuals and communities to use.

So I’ve compiled a list of 21 “Practical” resource-related Baha’i Blog posts which you may find useful:


1. 3 Clever Ways to Use Google Apps in Your Baha’i Community
Over the years, I’ve lived in a lot of different Baha’i communities and every one is different. My current community is especially interesting to me because it’s quite tech-savvy. In particular, we use Google’s Apps services to organize a variety of administration and activity. So I thought I would share some ideas on how to do this for your own community. Continue reading…


2. Where to Find Free Baha’i eBooks Online
Thanks to the Kindle and iPad, paperless reading is becoming more and more common. Even without these devices it’s sometimes handy having an ebook on your laptop or PC. Thanks to Baha’i eBooks Publications you can get more than 70 Baha’i eBooks completely free in both ePub (iPad, iPhone, Android suitable) and Mobi (Kindle suitable) formats. Continue reading…


3. 10 Great Introductory Books on the Baha’i Faith
Although many of us are going online nowadays to find out more information about something we’d like to know more about, there’s still a lot of inaccurate and misleading information about the Baha’i Faith online, and I still get asked by friends whether I can suggest or lend them an introductory book about the Faith. So for those of us who still like to read books or get asked to suggest an introductory book about the Baha’i Faith, I thought it may be useful to list some for you to read or share with your friends. Continue reading…


4. Study the Faith – A New Site to Help You Study the Baha’i Writings
Study the Faith is a great new site which helps you do exactly just that: “Study the Faith”. When it comes to studying the Baha’i Writings, this wonderful new online initiative takes you through the process of familiarising and deepening your understanding of certain topics or texts within the Baha’i Faith by helping you decide what to study, how to study, and where to find more information. Continue reading…

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5. 16 Novel Ideas for Your Next Holy Day
Every year, as Baha’is, we gather for eleven holy days including the festive celebratory days like Naw Ruz and Ridvan, as well as the more commemorative days that mark the Ascension of the Bab and Baha’u’llah. And like everything in the Baha’i Faith, hosting these gatherings is something that is open to one and all. Continue to article…


6. 28 Baha’i Musicians and Albums featured on Baha’i Blog
I thought it would be a good idea to do a round-up of the musicians and albums we’ve featured here on Baha’i Blog, as many of you may have missed them. So ladies and gentleman, here are 28 Baha’i-inspired albums and musicians featured on Baha’i Blog you may have missed, starting from our earliest to our most recent posts… Continue reading…


7. How to Build a Fast, Free Website For Your Baha’i Group, Community or Event
Maybe it’s because I’m a web designer, but people often ask me how they can get a website up. It used to be that to do this you needed to either really enjoy tinkering with things like HTML and domain names, or you’d have to go and hire a web designer. But it’s 2011 and now there are plenty of really easy to use services that will get you up and running in no time. Continue reading…

Closeup of a woman using computer.

8. Baha’i Web Project: Get Your LSA a Free Website
As the number of people getting online to learn more about the Baha’i Faith continues to grow, local Baha’i communities around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the importance and the advantages of having an online presence. Here at Baha’i Blog we often get asked by our readers if there’s some way we can help them build a website for their local Baha’i community or their Local Spiritual Assembly (LSA), or if we know someone who can help them. Unfortunately we just don’t have the time ourselves, and we’re not always sure who to pass them on to, so we end up pointing them to this Baha’i Blog post about building a fast and free website… but happily now that’s about to change… Continue reading…


9. 5 Unique Baha’i Apps for the iPhone
With Apple dominating the phone market with their massively successful iPhone, it’s no surprise that there are hundreds of thousands of apps. And they do just about every conceivable thing. Amongst this horde of applications there are a few Baha’i ones. For the most part these tend to be of the prayer and Baha’i writings variety. While those are certainly useful, today I’d like to show you five iPhone apps that are a little more unusual. If you’re an iPhone user, be sure to grab a copy of them and support our fledgling community of Baha’i app developers! Continue reading…

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10. 5 Unique Baha’i Apps for Android
Some time back, we published a post about 5 Unique Apps for the iPhone. For all the Android users among our readers – we haven’t forgotten about you! There are a number of really cool Baha’i apps for Android out there as well! Here are 5 great Baha’i apps for the Android users out there. They’re all incredibly useful and, even better, free! Be sure to grab a copy and support our community of awesome Baha’i app developers. Continue reading…

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11. 9 iPhone Apps for Baha’is
Nowadays you can find mobile apps for just about anything, and thankfully mobile apps related to the Baha’i Faith are slowly on the rise. It’s been over a year that we posted about 5 Unique Baha’i Apps for Android and 5 Unique Baha’i Apps for the iPhone, and with iPhone continuing to dominate the mobile app market, we thought it was time to write up another list of some more Baha’i iPhone apps to serve as a resource for all you iPhone wielding Baha’is out there. Continue reading…

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12. 6 Gorgeous Baha’i iPhone Wallpapers
Over the last few years Apple’s iPhone has become rather ubiquitous, and I’ve seen more than a few Baha’is carrying them about. But what is a little harder to find are Baha’i wallpapers for the iPhone. Happily there is a lot of great imagery around that is Baha’i related, for example just check out our gallery of Stunning Photos of Baha’i Houses of Worship. So I spent a little time this afternoon compiling some photos and images into iPhone sized wallpapers for Baha’i Blog readers to deck out their mobile phones with some inspirational background images! Continue reading…

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13. 19 Beautiful Baha’i Jewellery Pieces Available on Etsy
Thanks to its huge community of incredibly talented artisans and jewellers, craft marketplace Etsy is just brim full of Baha’i inspired arts, crafts and jewellery! We’ve collected nineteen of our favourite pieces below, and to find even more gorgeous work you can also view our previous collection, or search on Etsy for ‘bahai’ to pick your own favourites. Enjoy!
Continue reading…

Colorful cupcakes

14. Awesome Ayyam-i-Ha Ideas on Pinterest
Ayyam-i-Ha is coming up, and it’s important to make our holy days special. Luckily, there’s a lot of fun ideas out there online which can help us celebrate the intercalary days, and one of the places worth checking out online if you’re short of ideas or need some inspiration is Pinterest. Continue to article…


15. How to Make Inspiring Baha’i Quotes in Images
Putting inspiring Baha’i quotes against beautiful visuals to compose a graphic representation is a novel way to share our Holy Writings. It’s also really easy to do thanks to all the tools and resources out there! Today we’ll give you some tips on how to create your own quotes in image form from your phone. From there you can turn them into wallpapers, share them with friends, post them to social networks, or even print them. Let’s get started! Continue reading…


16. A Baha’i Perspective Podcast: An interview with Warren Odess-Gillett
Over the last several years, American Baha’i Warren Odess-Gillet has been hosting and broadcasting a weekly Baha’i radio program over the airwaves called A Baha’i Perspective. The program is fascinating, as it’s based on interviews with individual Baha’is who share the personal stories of their lives and how they found the Baha’i Faith. You dont have to tune into the radio to have a listen though, as the program is also available as a podcast on iTunes as well… Continue reading…


17. 10 Documentaries about World Religions
As a Baha’i, it’s important to know about other religions – actually it doesn’t really matter if you’re a Baha’i or not, the fact is that we live in a religiously diverse world and the more we know and learn about each other and our belief systems, the better we can hopefully get along. I really love watching documentaries, and there are some great documentaries out there which focus on some of the various world religions and/or certain aspects of them. I thought I’d share a list of 10 interesting and informative documentaries I’ve seen about some of these world religions, and I know there are a lot of other great documentaries about religion out there, but I thought these 10 would be a good place to start. Continue reading…


18. WhyUnite? Introductory Baha’i Materials for Everyone
A couple of months ago I wrote a post here on Baha’i Blog called 10 Great Introductory Books on the Baha’i Faith and my aim was to showcase some of the books available for those who want to learn more about the Baha’i Faith. The reality though, is that different people learn in different ways and maybe some of those books are not for everyone, or you’re simply looking for new materials to share with your friends, so that’s why I’m happy to introduce an awesome new initiative called ‘WhyUnite?’. Continue reading…


19. Just Launched: Official Website for the Universal House of Justice
Baha’i Blog is so excited to share the news of the launch of the new official website for the Universal House of Justice, the governing body of the international Baha’i community. The website provides general information about the Universal House of Justice and it also provides selected statements and letters that have been written by, or prepared under its supervision, such as Who Is Writing the Future? and the 2002 Letter to the World’s Religious Leaders. Continue reading…


20. Writing a Baha’i Will
It might feel a little morbid thinking about your will but it turns out that writing one is something every Baha’i must do in their lifetime. I discovered this recently when the birth of my first son inspired me to think about the future a little more than I normally do. I discovered that writing a will is in fact a law from the Kitab-i-Aqdas. It’s a good thing too, because apparently here in Australia if you have no will in certain circumstances everything you own will go back to the state! Yikes! Because a will is a legal document, it’s important to remember to seek some proper legal advice before drawing one up. Continue reading…

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21. Baha’i Blog’s Trivia Quizzes
Here at Baha’i Blog we love absolutely love trivia, so over the years we’ve put together a number of short Baha’i trivia quizzes on various topics relating to the Baha’i Faith. They’re a lot of fun, and a lot of our readers have emailed us saying that they’ve used these quizzes at Holy Day celebrations and other activities and they were a real hit! We’ll definitely be doing more trivia in future, but in the meantime here’s a list of the ones we’ve done so far. Continue reading…

Well that’s the list for now, and we hope these posts can help both you and your community!

Keep an eye on Baha’i Blog for more great upcoming ideas and resources to be featured!

Posted by

Naysan Naraqi

Naysan is passionate about using the arts and media to explore the teachings of the Baha’i Faith. Back in 2011, Naysan started up the Baha’i Blog project, channeling his experiences in both media and technology companies to help create a hub for Baha’i-inspired content online.
Naysan Naraqi

Discussion 6 Comments

Yay! I had just yesterday begun a quick research into putting quotes into images and voilà, here you are! 🙂

lisa michelle

lisa michelle (October 10, 2014 at 9:29 AM)

Hi Lisa that’s great! Glad we could help! 🙂


Naysan (October 10, 2014 at 11:21 AM)

Good stuff. Thanks for doing all this.


Kalman (October 10, 2014 at 2:49 PM)

Thanks for your encouragement Kalman! 🙂


Naysan (October 10, 2014 at 4:27 PM)

Thank you so much for putting the topic in the in the subject line when sent to subscribers. It will make it oh so much easier to find what I need among the saved blogs. I had this one to point a friend to free eBaha’i books, and I can’t wait to dive into Study the Faith, have had this question for years – I know how to read but what does it mean to study?? Thanks, it looks very promising

Mary Reich

Mary Reich (November 11, 2014 at 1:11 AM)

Hi Mary, thanks for the message, and yes, having the title of the artcile in the subject line is soooo much better. We’ve wanted to do this for a while and have finally gotten around to doing it. 🙂 Also glad to hear that you find this post useful! Happy studying the Faith and thanks for your support and encouragement! 🙂


Naysan (November 11, 2014 at 8:03 AM)

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