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Featured in: The Bab


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The Bab

in Explore > Central Figures

The Bab is the Herald of the Baha’i Faith. He was the bearer of a message destined to transform humanity’s spiritual life. His mission was to prepare the way for the coming of a second Messenger from God, greater than Himself, who would usher in an age of peace and justice.

6 Photos of the Bab’s Personal Belongings

March 29, 2019, in Images > History, by

In a recent Baha’i World News Service article, we learned that 43 images associated with the life and mission of the Bab have been published online for the first time on the Baha’i Media Bank. This also includes aerial footage of the Shrine of the Bab that we turned into this short video.

The Bab, which means ‘the Gate’ in Arabic, was a Messenger of God, whose role can be likened to that of John the Baptist (who told of the coming of Christ) in heralding the coming of the latest Manifestation of God: Baha’u’llah.

This year marks the Bicentennial of the Birth of the Bab, so Baha’is around the world will undoubtedly be celebrating this special occasion, and we are always grateful when the Baha’i World Centre releases media that can potentially be used for this special time.

From these new photographs now on the Baha’i Media Bank, we thought we’d showcase six photos of personal objects that belonged to the Bab. 

The Bab’s signet ring
The Quran belonging to the Bab
Prayer beads belonging to the Bab
Cap worn by the Bab beneath His turban
Robe worn by the Bab
Brazier and samovar belonging to the Bab
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Sonjel Vreeland

In her innermost heart, Sonjel is a stay-at-home parent and a bookworm with a maxed out library card but professionally she is a museologist with a background in English Literature. She currently lives on Prince Edward Island, an isle in the shape of a smile on the eastern Canadian coast. Sonjel is a writer who loves to listen to jazz when she's driving at night.
Sonjel Vreeland

Discussion 9 Comments

Wau, wau, wau! Wunderschöne Sachen von Bab. Dieser Ring? Super schön! Einzigartig! Tank very so much Naysan

Margrit Rita Hurni

Margrit Rita Hurni (March 3, 2019 at 9:02 AM)

Yesterday, I saw the personal belongings of Baha’u’llah on YouTube and was really pleased with His beautiful fetz. I’ve read about Bab’s remaining stuff, but never seen it. I am very much looking forward to Bahablog today. All the Team Naysan best regards and thank you 10000x

Margrit Rita Hurni

Margrit Rita Hurni (March 3, 2019 at 9:03 AM)

These show how delicate and graceful the Báb was, and that such sweet, youthful and soft Soul having gone through the degree of suffering that He did, leading to His martyrdom, is by itself incredibly heart aching.


Reza (March 3, 2019 at 2:43 PM)

thanks please send me more information and pics about the important personages of the Bab and Baha’u’llah dispensation


Anil (April 4, 2019 at 2:49 AM)

Hi Anil, you can find a whole bunch of articles related to the Bab on this page:

Hope this helps!

Naysan Naraqi

Naysan Naraqi (April 4, 2019 at 8:56 AM)

Oh my stars; the heart trembles; even to view these precious objects on line; how favored we all are!

Esther Bradley-DeTally

Esther Bradley-DeTally (April 4, 2019 at 11:38 PM)

How moving to see photos of the personal effects of His Holiness the Bab. It literally brings tears to my eyes to consider what a blessing He is to the World; and to consider His nobility, humility and unparalleled suffering.

Brian Miller

Brian Miller (April 4, 2019 at 3:06 PM)

Thank you so much for sharing these precious photos.

Ruth Bush

Ruth Bush (May 5, 2019 at 1:47 AM)

Mmmmmmm! Also weisst du Naysan! Ich bin tief traurig heute; es zermalmt meine Seele was der grosse Herrn ob den Niklas und anderen bösen Neider- leiden musste! Dann haben diese noch Sein Haus zerschlagen; es macht mich einfach nur traurig. Es drückt mir die Tränen aus den Augen. Einfach unfassbar lieber Naysan

Margrit Rita Hurni

Margrit Rita Hurni (July 7, 2020 at 9:24 AM)

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