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“Wasiyala (He Commanded Us)” by the Eswatini Baha’i Choir

February 5, 2019, in Music > Studio Session, by

Baha’i Blog’s “Studio Sessions” is an initiative where we invite Baha’is and their friends from around the world to come into a studio and share the Baha’i Writings put to music.

In this Baha’i Blog Studio Session, we’re in Manzini, Eswatini with the Eswatini Baha’i Choir who sing “Wasiyala” in siSwati from the Writings of Baha’u’llah.

This song was filmed and recorded in Manzini, Eswatini, December 2018.

Lyrics & Quote


Wasiyala Baha’u’llah watsi lulwini silucaphele. Nconota kubinza futsi ukhweshe, enkhulumeni lengelutfo. Wasiyala Baha’u’llah watsi lulwini silucaphele. Mawukhuluma kwece kungushevu, lobulalako lobhubhisako. Wasiyala Baha’u’llah watsi lulwini silucaphele. Emandla emlilo asheshe aphele, keph’elulwimi alikhulu lemnyaka. Wasiyala Baha’u’llah watsi lulwini silucaphele. Ngoba lulwimi lungumlilo, lobobotsako locotfulako.



[Baha’u’llah admonished us to be cautious of the tongue.]

…observe silence and refrain from idle talk. For the tongue is a smoldering fire, and excess of speech a deadly poison.

The force of the former lasteth but for a time, whilst the effects of the latter endureth a century.

Material fire consumeth the body, whereas the fire of the tongue devoureth both heart and soul.


You can also listen to and download the audio version of this song from Baha’i Blog’s Soundcloud page here:

You can also watch the “Studio Sessions” video series on Baha’i Blog’s YouTube Channel here:

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Jordan Raj

Jordan Raj is a comedian, content producer and third culture kid. Born in Australia and raised in the Czech Republic by parents with ambiguous eastern origins, he is grateful for his unique perspective as his brain grapples to embrace the world. With brief journeys into the spheres of singing, public speaking, high school teaching and magic, he loves all types of performance and loves creating humorous video content to share online. Jordan is known for the “What’s That Word?” Series on Baha’i Blog and a number of explainer videos on Baha’i Holy days which he co-created with his cousin Raj. Currently, Jordan is living in Germany with his wife, where he spends his time doing stand up comedy and producing the Baha’i Blog Studio Sessions series.
Jordan Raj

Discussion 3 Comments

very wonderful bar. Will I listen to youtube or internet today? There is no greater sign of God – than singing together. This is true unity and leads to unity. Again and again I see in Bern how the choirs connect with each other. We artists are more than a family! But the real love for each other must never be missed. That would destroy the unit and not make the vocals sound nice! It must always be a real togetherness. Thank you Finn and Naysan

Margrit Rita Hurni

Margrit Rita Hurni (February 2, 2019 at 8:22 AM)

The song is beautiful. They are very beautiful voices and wonderful people. These hairs are a real art. I can not see it enough. Hopefully Shoghi Effendi will also hear this wonderful talk with these enchanting people. A splendid splendor these people. I love these people above all else! They are just beautiful. Thanks Finn and Naysan

Margrit Rita Hurni

Margrit Rita Hurni (February 2, 2019 at 2:03 PM)

I wanted to say dear Naysan! Hopefully Shoghi Effendi will hear this beautiful song. Not conversation. Sometimes when sending to bahaiblog- come words I did not write. It often makes mistakes when sending to bahaiblog! Sorry dear Naysan

Margrit Rita Hurni

Margrit Rita Hurni (February 2, 2019 at 2:16 PM)

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