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5 Unique Baha’i Apps for the iPhone

May 3, 2011, in Articles > Baha'i Life, by

With Apple dominating the phone market with their massively successful iPhone, it’s no surprise that there are hundreds of thousands of apps. And they do just about every conceivable thing. Amongst this horde of applications there are a few Baha’i ones. For the most part these tend to be of the prayer and Baha’i writings variety. While those are certainly useful, today I’d like to show you five iPhone apps that are a little more unusual. If you’re an iPhone user, be sure to grab a copy of them and support our fledgling community of Baha’i app developers!

iMemorize Mobile

Whether you need to remember a quote for your Ruhi study circle, or you’re just broadening your repertoire of Baha’i quotes, the iMemorize app will prove very handy. The app provides a word omission tool to help you practice memorizing quotes. And not only does it come with a library of quotes including Baha’i ones, it has a function to let you add your own.

View the iMemorize Mobile App in iTunes

95 Taps

As part of Baha’i obligatory prayer, it’s necessary to repeat the Greatest Name (Alláh-u-Abhá) 95 times. Of course remembering where you are up to in your sequence of 95 can be tricky. People often use prayer beads to help keep track, but for the tech Baha’i, you can now use the 95 taps app to get the number right. Simple, but handy and only 99 cents!

View the 95 Taps App in iTunes


Every day Baha’is turn to the Qiblih to say our obligatory prayers. Fixed at the Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh, near `Akká, in present day Israel, it can sometimes be a bit tricky to figure out exactly where to turn to face this spot. That’s where this simple iPhone app comes in handy. Using the compass function in your phone, it’ll point you in the right direction. At $2.99 it feels a little pricey for such a simple function, but what price for praying in the right direction eh?

View the Qiblih App in iTunes

Anna’s Presentation

The introductory presentation about the Baha’i Faith known as Anna’s Presentation is a structured conversation focusing on delivering the fundamentals of the Baha’i Faith using images, text and quotations. It’s a useful way to present the religion in some situations, and this app is designed to help put it in your pocket in case such a situation comes up.

View the Anna’s Presentation App in iTunes

Baha’i World News Service for the iPhone

The Baha’i World News Service puts out a few stories a month, so you could easily keep up with it through a more general RSS based news app. But if you want your Baha’i news fix in its own application, then this one is only 99 cents and will provide the headlines in one easy to find spot.

View the Baha’i World News Service App in iTunes

Posted by

Collis Ta'eed

Hi I’m Collis! I live in Darwin, in the Northern Territory. I’m a Baha’i, designer, entrepreneur, climate tech angel investor, and engaged in philanthropy to support First Nations young people in Australia. I've been working on Baha'i Blog since its inception in 2011!
Collis Ta'eed

Discussion 17 Comments

You get those Apps on Android as well, I think except for the Baha’i World News.. And there are a few more, such as Prayer Book, Gleanings, by Ian Vink. But to be honest I think this venue has to be still explored a whole lot more! Those are pretty simple.. apps.. am waiting to see more complex, more interactive ones, specially for children. My 3 year old is well at home with all the games on the iPad, so would love to see more educational Baha’i themed apps for iPad as well as iPhone, Android!

Kertu Kelem

Kertu Kelem (May 5, 2011 at 8:58 AM)

eReader is another useful app – it’s a free ebook reader and you can download all of the Writings onto it. It is actualy quite a nice ebook reader as well.

Payam Motallebi

Payam Motallebi (May 5, 2011 at 3:04 AM)

I am looking the eBook, of the Baha’i literature, so would you guide how to get these. i am a Baha’i in India, Hyderabad. Thank you.


Tess (September 9, 2012 at 6:47 PM)

Hi Tess, here’s one of our posts which explains where you can find some free Baha’i ebooks online:

I hope this helps.


Naysan (September 9, 2012 at 8:50 PM)

Nice Apps, thanks for sharing Collis, “The Baha’i World News Service” App looks promising.


MiselD (May 5, 2011 at 9:50 PM)

Is the app Ocean available for Android?

Mari Hurt

Mari Hurt (May 5, 2011 at 7:09 AM)

hello its really great to see more Baha’i apps on mobile now. But those are only for iphones and androids. What about the symbian and blackberries? Because I own a Nokia N8 which is using symbian^3 and i’m hoping for some Baha’i apps for this phone 🙂 Any feedbacks?


mirshal (May 5, 2011 at 7:46 AM)

NICE!!! I’ve seen some of them. I’ll check them out & download them!

Shamim Bina

Shamim Bina (June 6, 2011 at 3:44 PM)

[…] 5 Unique Baha’i Apps for the iPhone […]

[…] time back, we published a post about 5 Unique Apps for the iPhone. For all the Android users among our readers – we haven’t forgotten about you! There […]

5 Unique Baha’i Apps for Android | Baha'i Blog

5 Unique Baha’i Apps for Android | Baha'i Blog (September 9, 2011 at 11:45 AM)

[…] 6. 5 Unique Baha’i Apps for the iPhone […]

Baha’i Blog Turns One! | Baha'i Blog

Baha’i Blog Turns One! | Baha'i Blog (March 3, 2012 at 2:23 AM)

This is nice spot to hang around, Allaho Abha to everyone here in this Blog. Here another bahai app that I start using, and it is so cool you might want to check that out as well. I did not see that here in this blog .Would be nice to add that as well and support all those good developer and thanks them for make our life easier. Love this Blog …..

Fred Y.

Fred Y. (December 12, 2012 at 6:58 AM)

Thanks very much for your support Fred and also for the link! It has now been added to the directory under iphone Apps.


Roya (December 12, 2012 at 1:58 AM)

[…] been over a year that we posted about 5 Unique Baha’i Apps for Android and 5 Unique Baha’i Apps for the iPhone, and with iPhone continuing to dominate the mobile app market, we thought it was time to write up […]

9 iPhone Apps for Baha’is | Baha'i Blog

9 iPhone Apps for Baha’is | Baha'i Blog (August 8, 2013 at 12:16 AM)

You might also be interested in the beautiful app for the prayer, “Blessed Is the Spot: A Read and Sing Children’s Prayer Book.” It was designed by my son-in-law, Carl Young.

Richard Young

Richard Young (October 10, 2014 at 6:15 AM)

If you are on a remote location and find it difficult to identify the Qiblah direction to say your prayers, Deenwise will automatically find it based on your current location.

Download for iPhone:
Download for Android:

Qibla Direction

Qibla Direction (November 11, 2014 at 11:46 AM)

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