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A Baha’i Love Story from a Nigerian Princess

May 30, 2021, in Articles > Baha'i Life, by

My name is Folashade Josiah (née Sule Odu). I am a princess from the Fidipote Ruling House of Ijebu Ode, Nigeria. I was born into a Muslim family and went to a Muslim school where I learnt about Islam and how to recite the Holy Quran in Arabic.

At the age of 27 years I met Alfred Josiah who was from a Christian family. We met in northern Nigeria in a city called Katsina. He was with some of his friends talking in the street, when he saw me passing, followed me and began talking to me. Despite our religious differences, we got to know each other, became friends and fell in love.

I discussed this with my family, as well as our wish to marry. However, my father’s older brother, my uncle, who was head of the family at that time, was clear that this should not happen. He said that love alone was not enough to unite people, but that our religion should also be the same.

In those days, it was not possible to marry without our family’s consent. Therefore, I begged my father to talk to his brother, and after several months he agreed to do so. In the end our families consented to the marriage and we were married according to Muslim rites. We did this because it is the tradition in my country that the family of the bride decides on wedding arrangements. Therefore, we were married according to the Islamic tradition.

In Nigeria, Christians and Muslims do marry, but there can be challenges. My uncle believed that when religion unites people the relationship is stronger and lasts longer because husband and wife can pray together.

After marrying, our love deepened and God gave us a beautiful daughter who we named Oluwatosin, meaning “God is worthy to be served”. My husband and I loved each other and had many things in common, but when it came to religion and prayer we were in a different world entirely. From a religious point of view, there was no unity.

I started to wonder whether there was a religion that could unite us, not only in love, but also in faith and prayer. I had never heard of such a religion. One day I discussed this with my husband and he laughed. He expressed his view that there is nothing like that in this world, or at least not in our part of the world. In Nigeria we only have Christianity and Islam, and the traditional religion, but the majority of people here are Christians and Muslims.

One day, after dawn prayers, I started praying to God about this. I asked God if there was a religion that could unite my husband and I, imploring Him that even if it is not in our country, I would like to know about it. After the third day of prayers, something happened. I don’t know what to call this, a miracle or divine intervention. I have seen a lot of God’s interventions in my life, but this one was so amazingly fast. God answered my prayers quickly.

I was at my shop in Katsina, when a young man called Mutalib Saka came and said that he would like to see me, as he wanted to discuss something. As a business woman I replied that if it was about money he could come, but that if it was not about money, then I didn’t want to hear. He replied, “It’s about something better than money: it’s about something that will change your life forever.” I remember thinking “What can change someone’s life apart from money?” Anyway, as he had insisted, I asked him to come to see me before 4pm, so that we would have enough time to talk.

When Mutalib arrived, he said, “It’s about a religion called the Baha’i Faith”, which he began to tell me about. He explained that this religion teaches unity and that it has the potential to unite all peoples and religions of the world. I was in shock. Mutalib saw my reaction and asked if something was wrong. I replied “Yes and no”, because I didn’t know that God could answer my prayers so quickly. My first question to him was: “Can a Christian and a Muslim join this religion?” He replied: “Yes”. After that, I hardly heard the rest of what he said. I was just thinking about God, about how mighty He is, and that He can hear everything that is in our hearts.

When my husband returned from work that day I told him everything. He replied that he had heard about the Baha’i Faith many years ago, while listening to a programme on the radio which featured Baha’is singing at the Baha’i temple in Germany. The programme discussed the Baha’i new year, which takes place in March. He remembered wondering how people can celebrate new year in March, when we celebrate ours on 1st January. He added that they were singing like angels from heaven.

Mutalib came to our house to discuss the Baha’i Faith with us, as I had requested. He talked with my husband for a long time and my husband asked him many questions. For my part, I only had two questions – “Do we have Baha’is in Nigeria?” He replied “Yes” and “How do I become a Baha’i?” Mutalib explained that I would need to fill in a declaration card to register as a Baha’i. He gave me some books and pamphlets about the Faith, which I read that night until midnight. It was at midnight that I made up my mind to become a Baha’i.

Mutalib also gave me a Baha’i prayer book. It was a small book and I had already gone through all the prayers. At midnight, I spoke to God again, not knowing which prayer to use to touch my husband’s heart. I decided to just talk to God directly. Mutalib also told me about the Bab and Baha’u’llah, saying that I can pray to Baha’u’llah for anything I wanted.

That midnight was the first time I mentioned the name of Baha’u’llah. I said “Baha’u’llah I have not yet declared as a Baha’i, but I will do so tomorrow inshaAllah (God willing). Baha’u’llah, please can you help me change my husband’s heart. I have already talked to God, so now I am asking You. Please allow my husband to like the Faith, so that the two of us can be united as Baha’is.”

The following day I went to look for Mutalib to ask him for the declaration card. Mutalib was very happy. That day, when my husband returned, I told him that I am now a Baha’i. He asked: “So fast?” and I told him that I didn’t need to wait because this is what I’ve been looking for. He didn’t say anything for some time and my heart started throbbing as if it were going to break in two. I then asked him: “What about you?” He said: “I don’t know, I will think about it.”

From that moment on, I started continuously calling on God and Baha’u’llah for help. My husband noticed and asked whether something was wrong with me. I replied: “No, I am only praying to God and Baha’u’llah to make you become a Baha’i.” He asked: “You are even calling on Baha’u’llah?” I said: “I am now a Baha’i, so I can call on Baha’u’llah any time.” He just smiled.

The following day my husband said I should tell Mutalib that he would like to see him, as he would like to ask some more questions. After this meeting, my husband decided to declare his faith as a Baha’i. So my husband declared three days after me.

When my husband said that he would think about it, those three days were the longest days of my life. When he told me he had declared, I jumped for joy, I couldn’t believe it. I also danced and danced and danced, even though there was no music. I was filled with so much joy.

This is how my husband and I became Baha’is and from then on our lives truly changed for the better. I have become a happy person and my family is also happy and united, both physically and spiritually. My daughter later declared as a Baha’i and married into a Baha’i family, which gives me abundant joy. We also have two adopted sons who have declared as Baha’is.

Since this time, I have served the Baha’i community of Nigeria in a number of different ways. I was elected to serve as a member of the Local Spiritual Assembly, I was appointed an Auxiliary Board Member for the north of Nigeria, I served on the Regional Baha’i Council and I am now a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Nigeria. I also represented Nigeria at the Baha’i World Centre in Israel during the international convention in 2018.

My life is full of joy because God answered my prayers and granted me my heart’s desire.

As a Baha’i I believe that we are all created by, pray to and serve the same God. In the words of Baha’u’llah:

There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God.1

The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.2

So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.3

  1. Baha’u’llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah []
  2. Baha’u’llah, Tablets of Baha’u’llah []
  3. Baha’u’llah, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf []
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Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah is a Baha'i who loves Baha'u'llah so much that her dream in life is to see the progress of the Baha'i Faith in Nigeria and Africa and the whole world -- sometimes she prays to Baha'u'llah to make it fast. She loves her family and people, she loves traveling and loves flowers so much that when she travelled to the World Center in Israel, what really amazed her was to see the flowers in their purest form. She loves reading and cooking, but most of all she loves telling people about Baha'u'llah - most of the time her eyes will always light up as if she is in paradise already. Folashade has long served as a Baha'i children's class teacher. She loves spending time and playing with children because they are innocent and don't cause any problems in the world.
Folashade Josiah

Discussion 35 Comments

Dear princess Folashade Josiah,
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. I am greatly touched by your faith and trust in God and how quickly you accepted Baha’u’llah as Messenger of God. I am so happy by your story. I am a Dutch Bahai who declared in 1979 when I was 17. I owe the Bahai faith so many things, I am ever grateful that God gave ne this big favour to cone across it at a time when my heart was very open to accept it.

Janine van Rooij

Janine van Rooij (May 5, 2021 at 8:13 AM)

Your story brought tears to my eyes for very many reasons. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. You were sincere in you quest so God heard your prayers and led you to discover Baha’u’llah.

Ekema Agbaw

Ekema Agbaw (June 6, 2021 at 9:27 PM)

Hello Ekema,

A long lost friend is trying to reach you. Recalling wonderful times together in Lagos Nigeria many many years ago.

Please contact me soon,

Billy Roberts

Billy Roberts

Billy Roberts (June 6, 2021 at 2:54 PM)

I have awakened near midnight here in Japan while listening to music and reading a love song by Mustafa Big-i Sanandaji I came across your story. So it must be a sign to tell you about the matter which is troubling my heart. I can only hope and pray that I can find answers.

Thomas Asada-Grant

Thomas Asada-Grant (May 5, 2021 at 4:00 PM)

This is really an amazing story of a pure heart and faith. I am very glad that you had the courage and capacity to become a NHao a share Tks great story! Thank you.
Elyce from Texas, USA


Elyce (June 6, 2021 at 4:13 AM)

Dear Princess,
Your story is truly inspiring. I am almost in the same situation as you were long ago. I am married to a lovely Muslim wife for the past 24 years and pray every day asking God to help her open her soul to Baha’u’llah. I am sure that with time, this will happen. Prayers are requested for this accomplishment..


Shahram (June 6, 2021 at 6:02 AM)

Allah’u’abha Shahram, I will also pray with you, it’s not easy to be in the same house with a spouse and you can not pray together or discuss about your faith in the present of one another, but be calm, and continue to pray,God Almighty and Baha’u’llah will see you through, I make up my mind that time that it’s Baha’u’llah all the way for me, even if my husband didn’t do it I will be a Baha’i for life.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 4:26 PM)

Thank you so much for sharing Auntie Shade, your story is an inspiration to many. As Baha’i’s we must continue to look beyond the borders of difference and focus on unity in all that we do.

Charles Ikpe

Charles Ikpe (June 6, 2021 at 7:11 AM)

Thanks so much Charles.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 3:34 PM)

Thanks so much o.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 3:56 PM)

Thank you ma, for sharing this amazing story with us, this is indeed a touching and inspiring story.


Collins (June 6, 2021 at 8:09 AM)

Thanks so much my dear.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 3:35 PM)

Allah’u’Ahba dear Princess Folashade, I am touched by the story of your love for search of Divine Light and the true nature of a Baha’i that manifested in you. Seekers are enjoined to search with rediant hearts. In this way, the result speaks for itself. ‘Humanity’s great faiths have come from one common source and are expresions of one unfolding religion’.
We in Nigeria have witnessed a natural expression of your love for the Faith of Baha’u’llah and the acceptance of the principle of the oneness of humanity through selfless service to the Baha’i Community of Nigeria. May your merit and those of your family members continue to rest on service and virtues for there is no paradise more wondrous for any soul than to be exposed to God’s manifestation in His Day, to hear His verses and attain His presence which is naught but the presence of God.

Tahirih Udousoro

Tahirih Udousoro (June 6, 2021 at 11:12 AM)

Allah’u’abha my dear sister Tahirii,am really grateful to you and God bless.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 3:51 PM)

Dearest Thomas prayer and service work miraculously. I encourage you to apply these too remedies to any challenge you may be encountering and most importantly have faith.

tahirih Udousoro

tahirih Udousoro (June 6, 2021 at 11:24 AM)

I am so happy for you my dear

Joseph Kobba

Joseph Kobba (June 6, 2021 at 8:27 PM)

Thanks so much,am happy too.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 3:49 PM)

Dearest sister,
This story means so much to me. I will share it in hopes that it inspires my family. I might have seen you at the 2018 International Election of the UHJ. Praise be to God.

Janet Lang

Janet Lang

Janet Lang (June 6, 2021 at 9:16 PM)

C’est une histoire fantastique, vraie , et pendant que je te lisais, chère Princesses mon coeur exultait de joie, je riais en moi- même et, si je n’étais déjà baha’i, je l’aurais été immédiatement après la lecture de ton histoire! Que celui qui cherche trouve ce ” chemin de la vie !” Bravooo!

Yves Rocher Bululu Yav

Yves Rocher Bululu Yav (June 6, 2021 at 11:01 PM)

Allah’u’Ahba dear sister Folashade! What a wonderful story! Your love for God and for your husband and your passionate desire for unity are very inspiring. May God bountifully bless you and your precious family in your service to the Faith.

Margaret (Peggy) Varner

Margaret (Peggy) Varner (June 6, 2021 at 4:41 AM)

Wow! What a beautiful love story – love for God, for husband, for family and the Faith. Thanks a lot for sharing dear Princess Sade.

Ijeoma Iruka Forchu

Ijeoma Iruka Forchu (June 6, 2021 at 8:21 PM)

Dear Princes Folashade Josiah. I’m sn Italian believer and accepted the faith when I was 17.As Catholic I was waiting for the coming of Crist in the Father’s Glory. I’m touched from your declaretion, your strong confidence in prayers … I wish you and your family all the best, serving our Beloved one.

Gianfranco Mazzoni

Gianfranco Mazzoni (June 6, 2021 at 10:27 PM)

Thanks so much my dear.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 3:38 PM)

Thanks so much,am really grateful.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 3:40 PM)

Thanks so much aunty Nje, maama am really grateful.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 3:42 PM)

Thank you my dear sister.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 3:43 PM)

This wonderful story! I love it

Gladys Osarenkhoe

Gladys Osarenkhoe (December 12, 2021 at 2:16 PM)

So sorry I didn’t understand the language, but am really grateful to you.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 3:44 PM)

Thanks my sister Janet, I was at center but didn’t see you too, but maybe one day we will see,am really grateful for your comment.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 3:47 PM)

Thanks so much Janine,am really grateful to you, actually those of us who grab the faith at an early age will be grateful, some get it later, thank you so much.

Folashade Josiah

Folashade Josiah (June 6, 2021 at 4:20 PM)

Dear Princess,
Thank you for this amazing, uplifting, and happy story.
Greetings from Iceland to you and your family in Nigeria.

Sigurdur Ingi Asgeirsson

Sigurdur Ingi Asgeirsson (January 1, 2022 at 8:28 PM)

Dear Princess,
A truly amazing and uplifting story indeed. Thank you for Sharing..
Greetings from Fiji to your family in Nigeria.

Elina Paki

Elina Paki (January 1, 2022 at 4:08 AM)

Dear Bahá’í friend. I just read your account about how you became a follower of Bahá’u’lláh. I found it truly inspiring and shared it with my Facebook friends. It so happens that I am a Bahá’í too and a filmmaker who is always looking for a good subject for a film or documentary about the Faith. As soon as I read your story I told my wife (she is also a Bahá’í) that your story would make an inspiring film to promote the Faith. We both live in Iceland. I am retired and in November this year, my wife will retire too. We both want to travel around the world as soon as it becomes possible. Maybe God is telling my heart that we should visit Nigeria to see you and your husband and shoot the film? Would it be possible because of Covid or other restrictions? What do you think?

Sigurdur Ingi Asgeirsson

Sigurdur Ingi Asgeirsson (January 1, 2022 at 9:04 PM)

This is an interesting story from a Baha’i friend who searched for a True Religion of God in this world were millions of people are being deceived everyday through alleged miracle from the Almighty God.
A True Seeker will always persevere in his/her search to attain the Presence of His Holiness. May you and your family continue to dwell in the eternal Light of Baha’U’llah.
This is truly a heart touching story.
My family and I wish you and other Baha’is of Nigeria a happy forth coming fasting period in 2022.

Chief Odiomonafe Sunday Uduakarebo Emmanuel

Chief Odiomonafe Sunday Uduakarebo Emmanuel (February 2, 2022 at 2:20 PM)

Such a nice story. Well told.

Keep walking in the path of service.

Elumeze Izuchukwu

Elumeze Izuchukwu (October 10, 2022 at 5:26 AM)

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