Highlighting Australia
- As a proudly Australian initiative, we’re excited to showcase a collection of Australian stories, music, tributes and more.
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Baha’i beliefs address essential spiritual themes for humanity’s collective and individual advancement. Learn more about these and more.
Baha’i Blog Studio Sessions is an initiative where we invite Baha’is and their friends from around the world to come into a studio and share the Baha’i Writings put to music.
In this Baha’i Blog Studio Session, we’re in Stockholm, Sweden with Ann-Sofie Wensbo, Nora Emadén, and Sasha Semenova, singing “Låt ditt hjärta (Let Your Heart)” based on a talk given by Abdu’l-Baha.
This song was filmed and recorded in Stockholm, Sweden, October 2018, and was composed by Gloria Golmohammadi, Shahram Mansoory, Nora Emadén, Sara Vadeghani.
Låt ditt hjärta brinna av kärleksfull vänlighet mot alla som kommer att korsa din väg.
Let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path.
C Am F G
||: Låt ditt hjärta, låt ditt hjärta, låt ditt hjärta :||
C Am F G
||: Låt ditt hjärta, låt ditt hjärta brinna av kärleksfull vänlighet :||
||: mot alla som kommer att korsa din väg. :||
You can also listen to and download the audio version of this song from Baha’i Blog’s Soundcloud page here: “Låt ditt hjärta (Let Your Heart)” by Ann-Sofie, Nora & Sasha [Audio Track]
You can also watch the Studio Sessions video series on Baha’i Blog’s YouTube Channel here: Baha’i Blog Studio Sessions playlist
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We recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their cultures; and to elders both past and present.
The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent authoritative views of the Baha’i Faith.
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Australian Baha’i Community
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