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Ever so often, we’ll be putting up posts for our ‘Common Questions Series’. As the name suggests, these are questions about the Faith that we often get. You know those ones – where you kinda, sorta, maybe know the answer but aren’t sure if you know enough to give the asker a full response? Yeah, those ones. Baha’i Blog has decided to make a collection of those questions, which will hopefully be as helpful to you, our readers, as it is to us!
The question of God’s existence is fundamental to a number of life’s bigger questions. Where do we come from? What is the purpose of life? What happens when we die? Belief in some sort of spiritual realm has been present in human societies from about 130,000 years ago and has persisted through the ages in all human cultures.
Different religious teachings have presented us with different understandings of God. In Christianity, God is understood as the ‘Heavenly Father’. In Judaism, God’s attributes as a life-giver, authority figure and protector are emphasised. In Zoroastrianism, God is understood as the omniscient creator of truth and guardian of justice. In some understandings of Hinduism, there are many different personal gods, all representing a different attribute of one supreme, universal Spirit.
In modern times, however, growing scientific knowledge about our universe and its origins, along with the clash of religious beliefs and growing religious fanaticism, have seen a renewed questioning of the existence of God. Traditional religious explanations of the origin of our life and the purpose of our existence no longer satisfy people as these ideas are increasingly scrutinised in the context of our modern societies. Where we formerly lacked scientific knowledge and used God to “fill the gaps”, science is now beginning to replace religion as a source of answers. Many people are now turning wholly to science, and not religion, to understand the nature of our reality.
In the Baha’i Faith, Baha’u’llah teaches us about the fundamental unity of science and religion – that each approach the investigation of reality from different, but not necessarily contradictory, perspective. Humanity’s great scientific advancements need to be matched with an advancement in the understanding of God and the nature of spiritual reality. In an article responding to Richard Dawkins’ book The God Delusion, Steven Phelps looks at some of the common reasons for a disbelief in God and looks at how the Baha’i understanding of the relationship between spiritual reality and physical reality holds up in light of the arguments put forward by Dawkins.
As seen with the arguments made by Dawkins, the main question that I’ve often been asked my friends who grapple with the question of God is that of proof: how can you know that God exists? How can you believe in something that you cannot see or even understand? Why do we need a belief in God to live good, moral and meaningful lives?
As anyone who has had discussions about science and philosophy in relation to these questions has experienced, it seems that there is no rational argument or physical proof that can adequately demonstrate God’s existence. In my conversations with friends, I often find that I have to begin with a discussion about what God is not rather than what God is. Baha’u’llah affirms that God is an unknowable essence and that it is beyond the ability of the human mind to ever understand His Reality.
To every discerning and illuminated heart it is evident that God, the unknowable Essence, the Divine Being, is immensely exalted beyond every human attribute, such as corporeal existence, ascent and descent, egress and regress. Far be it from His glory that human tongue should adequately recount His praise, or that human heart comprehend His fathomless mystery. He is, and hath ever been, veiled in the ancient eternity of His Essence, and will remain in His Reality everlastingly hidden from the sight of men.
Baha’u’llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah
While the Reality of God is not something that we can understand with our human mind and physical senses, it is not to say that evidence of God’s existence does not exist. Baha’u’llah explains that evidence of God is everywhere, that “every created thing is a sign of the revelation of God” and that “nothing whatsoever in the whole universe can be discovered that does not reflect His splendour”. So while we cannot know the essence of God, we can know Him by His signs.
Foremost among these signs are the Manifestations of God, who provide mankind with guidance for its advancement, each giving a fuller account of reality than the last. They act as perfect mirrors reflecting all of God’s attributes in the human world and provide us with the guidance we need to utilise our inherent ability to perceive God and to develop ourselves spiritually. `Abdu’l-Baha explains that it is primarily through the use of our inner, spiritual senses that we perceive God and His signs; that God “has given us material gifts and spiritual graces, outer sight to view the lights of the sun and inner vision by which we may perceive the glory of God”.
In a world where a strictly materialist notion of human nature is gaining popularity, it is widely presumed that the only tools of perception that people have at their disposal are those of their physical senses and rational intellect. The existence of spiritual faculties for perception is largely discarded. Too often, we allow the intellectual ambiguity of the questions about God to act as a veil – we focus solely on mastering the knowledge of the mind, with no attention given to knowledge of the heart.
Just as there are laws of the physical universe that we can understand through science there are laws of spiritual reality that we can only understand through the lives and teachings of the Manifestations of God. By following the laws and striving to emulate the Manifestations, our spiritual faculties are developed and we are able to draw closer to God and witness the spiritual proofs of a spiritual reality.
In the Hidden Words, Baha’u’llah says:
O SON OF BEING! Love Me, that I may love thee. If thou lovest Me not, My love can in no wise reach thee. Know this, O servant.
No. 5 from the Arabic
In a world besieged by problems that are ultimately of a spiritual nature and in which the transformation of society is dependent on the transformation of individuals, it becomes all the more important to focus on acquiring “knowledge of the heart” and to develop our spiritual faculties. By loving God, we are turning to God and putting the Teachings that have been revealed to us for this age into practice. These are the Teachings that – when practised – will manifest a deep spiritual transformation in both the individual and in society. This, in itself, is so clear a spiritual proof of the existence of God and the divinity of His Manifestations, so as to create the greatest certitude in the heart of a believer!
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In thinking about the question how one can believe in something that cannot be seen or touched, God, it occurs to me that we believe in ideas and thoughts which cannot be seen or touched and for which we have no logical explanation for their existence, such as from where they emanate or originate nor do we have a logical explanation for the “mind” which God created before He created the rest of the world, we can only explain, to a degree, the brain. Accepting intelligence as part of the human experience seems to demand a recognition of a Higher Intelligence or God that preceded human intelligence. To deny this is to deny the need for teachers for what need do we have of them if we are capable of creating our own thoughts, ideas, concepts etc? Obviously, with this denial, is to say that early man created ideas, thoughts, concepts, names for objects etc. without a teacher so why then did not all men and women create the same and have need for a teacher?
Micheal David Barry (July 7, 2011 at 5:16 PM)
I think the path to believing in God is different for many people, but for me it was more a matter of the heart than a logical deliberation of facts and evidence.
Believing in God was the final step for me before I was able to fully accept Baha’u’llah and His Message, and took me some time to accept. I must have spent months thinking about it and finding no real evidence that would win me over. And then one day, it suddenly hit me- I was suddenly conscious of this Life-giving Power that pervaded everything around me.
Everyone I’ve talked to who has investigated His Existence has had a similar experience- suddenly feeling God’s Presence out of nowhere. I think becoming aware of this Presence could help to heal the emptiness many people around us feel today. For me, every time I neglect my spiritual side for a while, that empty feeling in my heart returns and is only alleviated by prayer, meditation, reflection and reading the Holy Writings. That “empty feeling” and the healing of it is the best evidence I know of for God’s existence, but of course that’s a highly subjective viewpoint, everyone has their own spiritual journey! 🙂
Sonia (July 7, 2011 at 10:18 AM)
I would agree with Sonia to an extend. God is a rational intellectual being! His rational exceeds ours for the simple fact that, if he exists, he knows that we exist as well but not the other way around. It is hard sometimes to feel god’s presence or just believe for the sake of programming your mind. There has to be a rational or intellectual argument that can spark the spiritual realm of one’s consciousness.
What a lot of us fail to understand is that fact that many atheists or agnostics are not against a higher intelligence, but rather against an intelligence that was presented in their religion in as an irrational supreme or an angry dude! The topic of religion is one that many secularists try to debate in hopes to find reason or some sort of intellectual miracle for them to niggle on. If religion did not present such an interest for those, such a topic would lose its value among them. We all need a religion, but not the one the fills u up with guilt, let you live in constant fear, or forces you to eliminate your critical thinking abilities.
Salah Rushdy (October 10, 2011 at 2:01 PM)
I agree that recognition of God is hugely dependent on the state/receptivity of the heart. As a project though I’ve been compiling some of the logical/reasonable proofs of God here. Its a work in progress..http://oneglobalfaith.org/for-the-curious/proof-of-god/
Riaz (June 6, 2014 at 10:14 PM)
At the end of the day it all comes down to same thing <>.
What is spirituality? A feeling. A false sense of feeling. You can read J. K. Rowling several times and keep thinking about it for years and suddenly you’ll start believing in Hogwarts.
The need to separate materialism from spiritualism is prima facie evidence of logical fallacy in the argument for god.
I see no God, mere speculations!
Green Freeman (September 9, 2016 at 4:19 AM)