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In this song called “Toloue Bamdad” which means “Rise of Dawn” dedicated to the bicentenary of the Birth of the Bab, Persian hip-hop artist, Ahdi, raps about the Bab and the history of that time and the Message the Bab brought to humanity.
The song also makes reference to a song released by Ahdi two years ago called “Sogand Be Naamash” (سوگند به نامش), which means “I Pledge to His Name”, and which Ahdi released in honor of the bicentenary of the Birth of Baha’u’llah. The lyrics towards the end of “Toloue Bamdad” loop things back to “Sogand Be Naamash”, refering to Baha’u’llah, for whom the Bab came to prepare the way.
Check out more music by Ahdi here on the following links:
* Bandcamp: ahdi.bandcamp.com
* Facebook: facebook.com/AhdiMusic
* Instagram: instagram.com/ahdimusic
* Youtube: youtube.com/c/AhdiMusic
* Spotify: spotify.com/artist/ahdi
* Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/artist/ahdi
* Telegram: t.me/ahdimusic
Below are the lyrics in both English and Persian (Farsi)
As said, be awaken that Saoshyant has come.
Again, Shiraz has become our Pilgrimage (a reference to a poem by Sa’adi)
At Her darkest point in history, came The Saviour of an Iran that was giving Her life.
Far from its glory. Brutally, a captive of oppression and lies.
It was time for Motherland to wake up. At its darkest moment, She was on Her knees
East and west, the world in shivers and fear. The day it was hopeless from any say
Honor, the right that was taken away.
That Manifestation came to bring back that exact same right.
A hundred swears and oaths to His Bayán (also means expression and statement)
The world’s eyes opened up to knowledge, science and art
The world lost its limits and borders
It was waiting, but passed by without noticing His Words
When fear of God became a newer understanding. It wasn’t fear of God Himself, but fear of losing His love.
The fear of the ignorant from any truth
The “known to be knowledgeable” that is far from understanding Faith and The Individual that had bloodshed in His path.
Light was shone on the shadow of the turban fold (meaning that the light was shone on the lies of religious priests and their authority was no more) the truth was blossomed
Purity of religion is to have the belief purely within
With these historic events that occurred one after the other
We saw the truth and the history has been written and strongly carved
It’s impossible to kill truth
The lovers and united
Revolution is when the hearts have been moved
From a Young Youth to Eighteen Letters.
Astonished and shocked were the scholars/clergy
The world in shivers
The ineffectiveness of seven hundred and fifty soldiers. Not their guns, their bullets, nor the ropes.Chorus
This is the Rise of a New Dawn
Tomorrow will come the Next DawnThe Love of God for humanity has come. The more they oppressed. The more the pure love spread
In the face of all the pain, sufferings, and wars
The day that equalized men and women and took the border that separates me and you from each other
When Religion itself became a traditional breaker and every human searched and investigated for himself/herself in seek of the Right, Truth and Light
That power that gave Zanjan a Rustam-‘Ali
To Badasht a Táhirih and Her courage. In the name the gem of a woman
The beginning of equality and the end of oppression.
To the Martyrs of Fort Tabarsi (Battle of The Fort Shaykh Ṭabarsí)
To the calling of the “Saheb/Sahib” like the call of each promise to a world that is in neglect, that hasn’t seen a power like the sword of Mullá Husayn (Mulláh Hossein Boshru’i)
Oh God, I request a light from The New Divine Light
A single drop of purity from the soul of Anis (Anis Zonuzi)
The purity and courage of Quddús and Vahid
In the name of love and the purity of the blood of the martyr
A hundred kisses to this land, from Pārs to Espahān (Fars and Isfahan)
To the purity of detachment, Maku and Chehriq, to the word elevation.
So world, wake up, the time has come
Hafez reached what he feared, that The Sweet Tonged with His tumultuous lips has reached and Baghdad hit collision and is wounded
Say Shiraz became full of turmoil, the hardship it saw (a reference to a poem by Hafez) and the hardship went all the way to Tehran and
Tabriz – The Pure Blood dripped on the most sacred chain, until a glorious carpet was woven on the floorChorus
This is the Rise of a New Dawn
Tomorrow will come the Next Dawn
میگه به هوش باش که درآمد هوشیدر باز، شیراز شد طوافمون دیگر
توی تاریک ترین نقطه ی تاریخش. منجی ایرانی که داشت جون می کند
از شکوهش دور شده بود بی رحمانه، اسیر ستم و دروغ. میهن، وقت بیدار شدنش بود
توی تاریک ترین لحظه ش داشت زانو میزد
شرق و غرب، جهان در ترس و لرز، روزی که ناآمید شد از هر سخن
شرف، حقی که از دست رفته بود، اون مظهر واسه همون حق اومد
بر بیانش صد سوگند
چشم جهان باز شد به علم، فهم، هنر
جهان هم شد بی حد و مرز
منتظرش بود، از سخن گذشت
وقتی ترس از خدا یه درک جدیدتر شد و دیگه خوف نبود، بلکه خشیت
ترس جاهلان از هرچه حقیقت
معروف به علمی که دور از فهم عقیده ست و نفسی که در مسیرش شد خون جاری
بر سایه ی تحت الحنک نور تابید
حقیقت شکوفا شد. خلوص، آیین اینه که باور باشه. درون (در اون) پاکی
با این حادثه ها پشت سر هم حقیقتو دیدیم و تاریخش محکمه، حک شده. محاله کشتن حق عاشقان متحدن. انقلاب وقتیه که قلب ها منقلب شن
از یک جوون تا هجده تا حرف. مات، علما مبهوت، جهان لرزان
بی اثری هفتصد و پنجاه سرباز
نه با تفنگ نه گلوله نه با طنابهمخوان
این طلوع یه بامداد جدیده
فردا میرسه بامداد بعدیآمد عشق خدا به مردم. هرچی بیشتر کردن ظلم و ستم رو
عشق پاک بیشتر پخش شد
جلوی درد و رنج و جنگ. آن روزی که مساوی کرد مرد و زن رو. از بین من و تو ورداشت مرز رو
وقتی دین خودش سنت شکن شد
انسان هم خودش گشت و رفت دنبال حق و حقیقت و پرتو
اون قدرت داد به زنجان یه رستم علی
به بدشت یه قرةالعین و یه جرات، همین یه طاهره به نام هر گوهر زنی
آغاز تساوی و پایان ظلم
بر شهید های قلعه ی شیخ طبرسی به فریادِ ندای صاحب چون هر نوید به دنیای در غفلت ز الفت بعید، که مثل شمشیر ملا حسین قدرت ندید
خدایا نوری از اون نور جدید میطلبم
قطره پاکی از روح انیس
خلوص و شجاعت از قدوس و وحید
به نام عشق و پاکیِ خون شهید
صد بوسه بر این خاک، ز پارس تا اسپاهان
به خلوص انقطاع، ماکو و چهریق، به واژه ی ارتفاع
پس جهان بیدار شو وقتش رسید
حافظ به همون ترسش رسید
که شکر لب با آشوب لبش رسید
و بغداد بر هم خورد، شد زخمی
بگین شیراز پر غوغا شد، سختی چه دید
و غوغا تا طهران و تبریز – چکید خون پاک روی مقدس ترین زنجیر
تا بر زمین بافته شد فرشی… عظیمهمخوان
این طلوع یه بامداد جدیده
فردا میرسه بامداد بعدی
You can also listen to this song here on Soundcloud and here on YouTube as well.
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